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System transaction for updating the on-chain state used by zkLogin.

type AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction {
epoch: Epoch
round: UInt!
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): ActiveJwkConnection!
authenticatorObjInitialSharedVersion: UInt!


AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction.epoch ● Epoch object

Epoch of the authenticator state update transaction.

AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction.round ● UInt! non-null scalar

Consensus round of the authenticator state update.

AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction.newActiveJwks ● ActiveJwkConnection! non-null object

Newly active JWKs (JSON Web Keys).

AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction.newActiveJwks.first ● Int scalar
AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction.newActiveJwks.after ● String scalar
AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction.newActiveJwks.last ● Int scalar
AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction.newActiveJwks.before ● String scalar

AuthenticatorStateUpdateTransaction.authenticatorObjInitialSharedVersion ● UInt! non-null scalar

The initial version of the authenticator object that it was shared at.

Implemented By

TransactionBlockKind union