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System transaction that runs at the beginning of a checkpoint, and is responsible for setting the current value of the clock, based on the timestamp from consensus.

type ConsensusCommitPrologueTransaction {
epoch: Epoch
round: UInt!
commitTimestamp: DateTime!
consensusCommitDigest: String


ConsensusCommitPrologueTransaction.epoch ● Epoch object

Epoch of the commit prologue transaction.

ConsensusCommitPrologueTransaction.round ● UInt! non-null scalar

Consensus round of the commit.

ConsensusCommitPrologueTransaction.commitTimestamp ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Unix timestamp from consensus.

ConsensusCommitPrologueTransaction.consensusCommitDigest ● String scalar

Digest of consensus output, encoded as a Base58 string (only available from V2 of the transaction).

Implemented By

TransactionBlockKind union