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Details of the system that are decided during genesis.

type SystemParameters {
durationMs: BigInt
stakeSubsidyStartEpoch: UInt
minValidatorCount: Int
maxValidatorCount: Int
minValidatorJoiningStake: BigInt
validatorLowStakeThreshold: BigInt
validatorVeryLowStakeThreshold: BigInt
validatorLowStakeGracePeriod: BigInt


SystemParameters.durationMs ● BigInt scalar

Target duration of an epoch, in milliseconds.

SystemParameters.stakeSubsidyStartEpoch ● UInt scalar

The epoch at which stake subsidies start being paid out.

SystemParameters.minValidatorCount ● Int scalar

The minimum number of active validators that the system supports.

SystemParameters.maxValidatorCount ● Int scalar

The maximum number of active validators that the system supports.

SystemParameters.minValidatorJoiningStake ● BigInt scalar

Minimum stake needed to become a new validator.

SystemParameters.validatorLowStakeThreshold ● BigInt scalar

Validators with stake below this threshold will enter the grace period (see validatorLowStakeGracePeriod), after which they are removed from the active validator set.

SystemParameters.validatorVeryLowStakeThreshold ● BigInt scalar

Validators with stake below this threshold will be removed from the active validator set at the next epoch boundary, without a grace period.

SystemParameters.validatorLowStakeGracePeriod ● BigInt scalar

The number of epochs that a validator has to recover from having less than validatorLowStakeThreshold stake.

Member Of

Epoch object